Day 4 of Your "Instant Relief" Roadmap

Hi There!

This is your link for Day 4 (last day)
of your "Instant Relief" Roadmap!

"Instant Relief" Roadmap Day 4

Congratulations for your consistency.
One of the keys to "Successful Manifesting" is exactly that;
implementing a consistent daily ritual.
We make it easy - Your Daily Coach.

Each Day - in advance of watching your next video
we take a brief moment to lock in your Wins from your
earlier trainings by actively asking yourself:
"What are my main insights/wins/changes/results?"

Realizing your Wins is critical.  It is literally
saying to your unconscious mind that "You are a Winner".
Instead of questioning whether you are a winner, you are
assuming you are by asking "What are my Wins?"

So think now about your wins and gains.
Claim them as your own.  Truly OWN them.

This is your final day of your "Instant Relief" Roadmap
You are still Awesome, even more so.
We've got something special for you today!!!

As you accomplish each day of this mini life-course
feel free to share your wins & insights with the social circles
you want to help & inspire, at our easy
"We Love Transformation" links
at the bottom of the Training video pages.

Heather Ramsey & Colin Campbell
Chief Awesome Officers
Operation Feel Good Inc..